A/B testing installation

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A/B testing enables you to test the impact of product changes and understand how they affect your users' behaviour. For example:

  • How changes to your onboarding flow affect your signup rate.
  • If different designs of your app's dashboard increase user engagement and retention.
  • The impact a free trial period versus money-back guarantee to determine which results in more customers.

A/B tests are also referred to as "experiments", and this is how we refer to them in the PostHog app.

To start using A/B tests, install PostHog with the library you want to run tests in (if you haven't already):

PostHog is available through CocoaPods or you can add it as a Swift Package Manager based dependency.


pod "PostHog", "~> 3.0.0"

Swift Package Manager

Add PostHog as a dependency in your Xcode project "Package Dependencies" and select the project target for your app, as appropriate.

For a Swift Package Manager based project, add PostHog as a dependency in your "Package.swift" file's Package dependencies section:

dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/PostHog/posthog-ios.git", from: "3.0.0")

and then as a dependency for the Package target utilizing PostHog:

name: "myApp",
dependencies: [.product(name: "PostHog", package: "posthog-ios")]),


import Foundation
import PostHog
import UIKit
class AppDelegate: NSObject, UIApplicationDelegate {
func application(_: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions _: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
let POSTHOG_API_KEY = "<ph_project_api_key>"
// usually 'https://us.i.posthog.com' or 'https://eu.i.posthog.com'
let POSTHOG_HOST = "https://us.i.posthog.com"
let config = PostHogConfig(apiKey: POSTHOG_API_KEY, host: POSTHOG_HOST)
return true

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Community questions

  • Bram
    5 days ago

    Excluding anonymous users from other experiments

    Is it possible to run two different experiments for anonymous / unidentified users next to each other that can in some way be excluded so they don't influence each other ?

  • Yarik
    3 months ago

    Tests results Error

    Hi, I’m running a few A/B tests. I checked them a few months ago and got some results. Now, I’m revisiting the A/B tests and see that they are running, but in the Results section, I encounter this error. This error occurs in 2 out of 3 tests. How can I retrieve the results?

    Experiment results could not be calculated
    no viable alternative at input 'SELECT\n countIf(ifNull(equals(step_reached, 0), 0)) AS step_1,\n ,'
  • Suraj
    6 months ago

    User seeing different experiment variants on app restart

    We have integrated the A/B testing along with Analytics although we are not sending any analytics events at the moment. While testing we saw that if a user reopens the app the experiment variants being shown are different at times. Also in the people section we saw that whenever app is restarted a new person is created. What can be the issue here?

    • Suraj
      Author6 months ago

      It was a bug in the app all good here

  • Yousuf
    7 months ago

    Issue with A/B Testing

    Hi Steven, we have implemented A/B testing through PostHog and can see data being tracked in the PostHog dashboard.

    However, when we load the website, everyone sees the variant A although my distribution and rollout is set to 50/50 and no one really sees the variant B.

    Can you please look into this issue for me and let me know what I am doing wrong here?

    I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


  • Václav
    a year ago

    How do I set up an A/B test?

    This page only shows how to add a js snippet on the page. But how do I set up an A/B test??

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Creating an experiment

To create a new experiment, go to the A/B testing tab in the PostHog app, and click on the New experiment button in the top right. This presents you with a form where you can complete the details of your new experiment: Here's a breakdown of each field in the form: Feature flag key Each experiment is backed by a feature flag . In your code, you use this feature flag key to check which experiment variant the user has been assigned to. You can use an existing feature flag if it has multiple…

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